

What are the four most common ways to coach online? In coaches we are going discuss the four most common ways to coach online in your specific niche. These techniques work in all topic niches and they are listed below with some pricing suggestions.

To start let’s see the list below:

  • Auto-responder E-Course, (value $27.00 per E-Course free value added bonus with E-Book)
  • Q/A Email Coaching, ($5.00 per question minimum $20.00 first 4 question at N/C)
  • Email Assignment Coaching, (value $47.00 per Assignment Topic)
  • One on One Coaching. (value $97.00 per hour with 4 hour minimum)

Coaches Introduction,

To start out this article is about how to incorporate the coaching process into your sales funnel of your custom E-Books, short reports and/or articles. Why, well the coaching process creates authority and level one you are making sure that they get all the important information from their E-Book purchase.

In the beginning you want to add the easiest one as a bonus to all of your content products. Coaches are going to talk about the four most common coaching products. Question: Which one is on auto pilot and which one delivers the most cash flow? You might be surprised.

Let’s get started with Coaches…

Well to start we have four different ways to coach online, 1) Auto-responder E-Course, 2) The Q/A Email Coaching, 3) Email Assignment Coaching and last but not least is the One on One Coaching. Now that we have listed each of the ways to coach let’s talk a bit about each and explain how implement a solid coaching strategy into your marketing efforts.

Auto-Responder E-Course, Coaches Level 1

This is the coaching product that is the easiest and best way to make sure you’re paid for E-Books are read and understood. Let me explain…You have a new 65 page E-Book product that you are selling for $7.00 and you require them to add the first name and email address to receive your E-Book.

This is the perfect time to sell the Auto-Reponder E-Course a $27.00 value but this bonus is given as a free gift. This E-Course is designed to drip feed your new client with the most important content in the E-Book. Let’s face it most people don’t have the time to read a 65 page report but maybe they have 3 minutes a day to read your drip feed E-Book content. Or maybe they have time to listen to your mp3 audio and the accompanied PDF. This tool is designed to get the new subscriber to buy-in and in the end you want them to be waiting for your next email.

Q/A Email Coaching, Coaches Level 2

Next we want to talk about the Q/A Email Coaching, which is simply a custom email account that answers questions from the list of subscribers. You pitch this coaching product within your auto-responder E-Course. Here is what you write in the auto-responder email.

Thanks for joining our E-Course and over the next few days or weeks we will be covering some very important information. We are here to help so if you have any questions please be sure to reply to this email. We will answer any question that is related to the content within this email.

Email Assignment Coaching, Coaches Level 3

This next level of coaching has a course outline and assignments related to a learning process. These are usually a fixed term coaching product, which means it is a 1 week or 2 week course with fixed number of learning objectives. The assignments are delivered using a dynamic PDF with 2 way communication feature. This tool allows the coach to add assignments to the PDF then send it via email to the coach student and get them the respond to the assignments using Adober Reader. It is good to make sure you don’t have too many students in this program at one time.

One on One Coaching, Coaches Level 4

This is the one coaching product that is most demanding of both resources and time. You need to be sure that you get paid for your time. This is in both teaching and course preparation. This is usually the custom process for a special client that is interested in working with you to learn the ropes from you the expert. This is the holy grail in the coaching process and yet the most demanding. You can teach this level using Hangout’s or Skype. This is using video one on one.

Coaches Conclusion,

Well that’s it! Now you have a fairly good idea on the different coaching ways to both make money and becoming an authority in your niche. It is important to remember that your list building techniques always include customer service. That being said, the best way to be number one in customer service is to offer valuable information and expert advice in these four coaching formats.

Start small with the auto pilot method with your auto-responder. Move into the “Can I help” mode when you send these auto-responder emails. That is level 2 that coaches through Q/A emails, which solicits your new subscriber to ask questions. Level three is again a email tool that talks a little more about structure and objectives.